Goals of the Nativity Scene
I have not forgotten the elderly; that’s why the EMS (homes for the elderly) in the region come to visit, as well as school classes. The activity leaders from the EMS and teachers contact me for daytime visits. I provide them with the history, explanations of the assembly and disassembly, the biblical story, etc. A small snack offered at the end of the visit makes it very friendly. For the schools, a little backstage tour allows me to give them the 'bug': the monuments are not painted on the back to show the children that with a simple piece of cardboard, one can create a castle, Noah's Ark, a palace... I hope to inspire them to build their own dreams. Consumer society, through stores and money, stifles creativity.
One of my dreams would have been to install my nativity scene in Kaysersberg, my hometown, but the organization is too burdensome... I am now 65, and I don’t know how much longer I will have the energy for this 'madness.'
One wish is also for a successor, which is difficult, if not impossible, given the time required—about 650 hours in total. It should not be imposed but desired.
The objectives of the nativity scene are to:
Delight young and old by showing them a true Christmas, full of sincerity, simplicity, and grandeur, in a place that inspires calm and respect.
Remain accessible to all, rich and poor: no entrance fee, and especially no money changers; it must remain non-profit.
Use the collection basket to fund a project, a foundation for children, investments for the nativity scene, the organization of concerts, publicity, and hospitality (tea, coffee, etc.).